Blog Articles

Help! My Skin Is Suddenly Red and Itchy

Is your skin itching endlessly from a sudden rash? It feels impossible to stop scratching, which worsens the situation. Learn how allergies can cause sudden, itchy skin rashes.
Mar 1st, 2025
Tips to Soothe Hives in Children

Tips to Soothe Hives in Children

If your child comes to you with patches of swollen red skin with raised welts, you’re looking at a case of hives. Learn how to calm a mild case of hives and relieve your child’s discomfort.
Feb 1st, 2025
Are Your Allergies Worse in Winter?

Are Your Allergies Worse in Winter?

Allergies aren’t only spring or fall troublemakers; they can also make an appearance in the winter. Some common allergens can be worse in winter. Check out tips to help relieve your symptoms.
Jan 3rd, 2025
Can Kids Grow Out of Childhood Food Allergies?

Can Kids Grow Out of Childhood Food Allergies?

Your child gets sick when eating certain foods, whether it’s cookies with nuts or toast. You suspect a food allergy, or perhaps your child has already been diagnosed with one. Will they ever outgrow the allergy?
Dec 11th, 2024
Will Allergy Shots Get Rid of Symptoms Permanently?

Will Allergy Shots Get Rid of Symptoms Permanently?

Are your allergies making your life miserable? Do you want to be done with eyes that water and spring tears, coughing spells, and other symptoms that take the joy out of your day? Learn how allergy shots allay your troublesome symptoms. 
Nov 8th, 2024

2 Compelling Reasons To Consider Rush Therapy

If you’re tired of dealing with allergies day or season after season — it’s hard to resist the appeal of allergy shots. It comes with numerous benefits, especially when you choose rush therapy. Read on to learn more.
Aug 8th, 2024
8 Things That May Be Causing Your Hives

8 Things That May Be Causing Your Hives

If you’ve ever had hives, you know firsthand how impossible they are to ignore. However, you may be surprised by the trigger that caused them. Here's what you should know if you have a history of hives.
Jul 21st, 2024
Who Can Benefit from Spirometry?

Who Can Benefit from Spirometry?

Learning you need a spirometry test can be alarming. But these tests are painless, though they can leave you feeling lightheaded. So why do you need one? Read on to learn more.
Jun 18th, 2024
3 Benefits of Rush Immunotherapy

3 Benefits of Rush Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy can offer life-changing results for people with allergies. However, traditional methods take time and commitment to provide results. That’s where “rush therapy” can help. Read on to learn more about the benefits of this approach.
May 15th, 2024
I’m Embarrassed About My Severe Eczema

I’m Embarrassed About My Severe Eczema

Eczema flare-ups can cause uncomfortable — and embarrassing — symptoms. But they don’t have to. You can make these moments a distant memory with the right treatment strategy. Read on to learn more.
Apr 9th, 2024
5 Ways to Treat Your Chronic Hives 

5 Ways to Treat Your Chronic Hives 

A single bout of hives is bad enough. But what if they become an ongoing problem? For some people, they can. If this sounds familiar, taking these simple steps can finally bring relief.
Feb 7th, 2024
Optimal Eczema Management in Winter: A Parents Guide

Optimal Eczema Management in Winter: A Parents Guide

Eczema flare-ups are always uncomfortable but can worsen in winter because of cold, dry air. Fortunately, you can take action to keep your child’s sensitive skin itch and rash-free. Read on to learn more.
Nov 1st, 2023
Why Are Peanut Allergies on the Rise?

Why Are Peanut Allergies on the Rise?

Have you noticed more warnings about peanuts in restaurants or schools becoming “nut-free”? That’s because more and more people are developing an allergy to this popular item. But why? See what’s behind these rising numbers.
Oct 9th, 2023
When Should I Consider Allergy Shots for My Child?

When Should I Consider Allergy Shots for My Child?

Allergies are never fun, especially for youngsters. But when should you consider allergy shots for your little one? And, more importantly, are they safe? If your child has allergies, here’s what you should know.
Sep 1st, 2023
Can Hives Be Life-Threatening?

Can Hives Be Life-Threatening?

When you break out in hives, your body tries to tell you there’s a problem. Specifically, an allergic reaction activates your immune system. That also means they can sometimes be severe. Read on to learn more.
Aug 1st, 2023
4 Benefits of Rush Immunotherapy

4 Benefits of Rush Immunotherapy

Hate suffering from allergies but dread the time investment required to treat them with immunotherapy? There could be another option — rush therapy. This method offers the same results as traditional treatments but in a fraction of the time.
Jul 12th, 2023
Managing the Dry Skin that Comes With Eczema

Managing the Dry Skin that Comes With Eczema

Eczema is more than simply dry, itchy skin. It’s a condition that makes it difficult for your body to retain moisture. Fortunately, there are ways to manage this problem and reduce uncomfortable flare-ups.
May 16th, 2023
How To Safely Introduce Peanuts To Your Little One

How To Safely Introduce Peanuts To Your Little One

In recent years, there’s been a dramatic increase in peanut allergies among children. This can be alarming as a parent, and you may want to avoid this food at all costs. However, introducing them the right way can be a better option.
Apr 12th, 2023
Can a Gluten Allergy Affect Your Voice?

Can a Gluten Allergy Affect Your Voice?

You probably don’t associate allergy symptoms with your voice. But food allergies can often trigger issues with the throat and lungs. Are you concerned you have a gluten allergy? Keep reading to learn more about how it could affect your voice.
Mar 14th, 2023
Swear Off Acne For Good With AviClear

Swear Off Acne For Good With AviClear

Are you tired of living with mild to severe acne? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything to improve your complexion, but nothing seems to work? It could be time to turn to AviClear™, the first and only FDA-cleared energy device for this condition.
Feb 1st, 2023

How to Safely Find Out if You’re Allergic to Penicillin

Penicillin can do wonders for fighting infection. But what if you’re allergic to it? The good news is that penicillin allergies are less common than you think — even if feel you have one. So how do you know if you’re allergic?
Jan 9th, 2023
What To Expect After Rush Immunotherapy

What To Expect After Rush Immunotherapy

Are you eager to find solutions for your allergy symptoms that don’t involve more medications? Rush immunotherapy provides the same relief as traditional allergy shots — but they do it in a fraction of the time.
Dec 1st, 2022
5 Common Hives Triggers and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Hives Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Do you have itchy, red patches on your body? Feel like these welts came out of nowhere? Whether small or large, hives can range from mild to severe and develop for various reasons. Sound familiar? Here’s what you need to know.
Nov 1st, 2022
How Can I Determine My Food Allergies Safely?

How Can I Determine My Food Allergies Safely?

Food sensitivities can cause significant discomfort, but sensitivity doesn’t equal an allergy. Food allergies cause systemic reactions that can even be life-threatening. So, taking the right steps when diagnosing a problem is vital.
Oct 1st, 2022
Can I Treat My Rash With Over-the-Counter Medication?

Can I Treat My Rash With Over-the-Counter Medication?

Who doesn’t want to save themselves a trip to the doctor — or pharmacist? Over-the-counter treatments can provide fast answers, but they may not be the best treatment in every situation. Keep reading to learn more.
Sep 1st, 2022
Are Allergy Shots My Best Option of Treatment?

Are Allergy Shots My Best Option of Treatment?

If you suffer from allergies, allergy shots could offer significant relief. However, that doesn’t mean they’re right for everyone. Keep reading to learn more about this long-term allergy treatment and when it could be the best option for you.
Aug 1st, 2022
Can My Diet Play a Role in My Eczema?

Can My Diet Play a Role in My Eczema?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “you are what you eat.” But did you know diet plays a role in your skin health? If you have eczema, keep reading to see how food could be playing a role in your flare-ups.
Jul 1st, 2022
How Are Food Allergies Diagnosed?

How Are Food Allergies Diagnosed?

Many people have sensitivities or intolerances to certain foods, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have allergies. Instead, true food allergies can cause various issues and can even be life-threatening. Keep reading to learn more.
May 1st, 2022
How to Prepare for Your Spirometry Test

How to Prepare for Your Spirometry Test

Learning you need a medical test can be scary. Fortunately, the ones used to measure lung function are painless, straightforward, and require little advanced preparation. Keep reading to see what to expect.
Apr 4th, 2022
5 Tips to Stop Allergies From Keeping You Awake at Night

5 Tips to Stop Allergies From Keeping You Awake at Night

Do your allergies leave you tossing and turning at night? Whether you suffer from seasonal symptoms or problems all year long, this chronic condition can make it hard to catch those Zzzs. Fortunately, there are ways to get a good night’s sleep again.
Mar 3rd, 2022
How Does Penicillin Help with Infections?

How Does Penicillin Help with Infections?

“Penicillins” describe a group of antibiotics that treat bacterial infections. Their discovery changed the face of medicine and saved millions of lives. However, many people also mistakenly think they have a penicillin allergy. Read on to learn more.
Feb 2nd, 2022
How Is Asthma Diagnosed?

How Is Asthma Diagnosed?

Asthma triggers various uncomfortable symptoms that interfere with your ability to breathe. For some people, they can even be so severe they become life-threatening. So how do you know if you have asthma? Keep reading to find out.
Jan 1st, 2022
Treat Your Eczema with Immunotherapy

Treat Your Eczema with Immunotherapy

Do you struggle with red and itchy skin? Do your eczema symptoms keep you awake at night? Unfortunately, you can’t cure eczema. However, immunotherapy could help. Keep reading to learn more about this allergy treatment.
Dec 8th, 2021
How Can I Determine What My Allergy Triggers Are?

How Can I Determine What My Allergy Triggers Are?

Are you confused by what’s setting off your allergy symptoms? With so many potential triggers, it can feel overwhelming trying to identify a single cause! Fortunately, allergy testing can help get to the bottom of things.
Nov 7th, 2021
When to See a Doctor About a Cough

When to See a Doctor About a Cough

Most people end up getting a cough from time to time. But how do you know when it requires medical attention? Keep reading to see when that nagging cough could be a sign of a problem.
Oct 6th, 2021
5 Common Causes of Hives

5 Common Causes of Hives

Have you developed red or itchy welts on your body? Hives can range in size from small spots to large patches, vary from mild to severe, and occur for various reasons. Keep reading to learn about this skin reaction.
Sep 7th, 2021
Benefits of Allergy Shots

Benefits of Allergy Shots

Do you suffer from allergy symptoms? Do you feel like your medications no longer help? Allergy shots can help reduce your sensitivity to certain triggers, making them a highly effective, long-term solution. Keep reading to learn more.
Aug 10th, 2021

How Do I Know if I’m Allergic to Penicillin?

The last thing you want to do is risk-taking a medication you’re allergic to. However, estimates show that most people diagnosed with a penicillin allergy don’t have one. Here’s how to find out safely if you do — or don’t.
Jul 13th, 2021

What Is Spirometry?

When it comes to measuring lung function, nothing beats spirometry. This standard test takes place during a routine office visit and can help diagnose or monitor breathing conditions like asthma. Keep reading to learn more.
Jun 17th, 2021

Help! I’m Embarrassed About My Eczema

Eczema does more than impact your skin; it also takes a toll on your self-confidence. Fortunately, there are ways to help get your eczema under control and manage your symptoms during flare-ups. Keep reading to learn more.
May 18th, 2021

The Benefits of Rush Immunotherapy

Thinking about immunotherapy but don’t want to wait three to six months to see results? It could be time to consider rush therapy. Keep reading to learn more.
Apr 21st, 2021

Do You Have Any of These Signs of a Food Allergy?

There’s a lot of talk about food allergies these days. But true food allergies are very different from food sensitivities or intolerance. So how do you know if you have a problem? Keep reading to learn how to spot the signs.
Mar 10th, 2021

Understanding When Rush Therapy Is Appropriate

When you live with allergies, immunotherapy can offer long-term relief. But betting on traditional allergy shots can take several months to work. So when should you consider rush therapy options instead? Keep reading to learn more.
Feb 3rd, 2021

Is Asthma Curable?

When it comes to asthma, there’s good news and bad news. That’s because there may not be a cure for this chronic condition, but it’s highly treatable. Treatments are so good you can now almost completely control your symptoms.
Jan 14th, 2021

How Many of These Food Allergy Symptoms Do You Have?

Having a food sensitivity or intolerance isn’t the same as a food allergy. However, learning to recognize an allergy’s signs and symptoms can help determine if you should see a specialist for a diagnosis.
Dec 9th, 2020

Is Immunotherapy Safe?

Interested in finding long-term allergy relief but worried about safety? Allergy shots can help you ditch your medications by slowly desensitizing you to your triggers. Here’s how they provide safe and effective results.
Nov 9th, 2020

How Common Are Food Allergies?

Food allergies seem to be growing more common with every passing year. But how prevalent are they, and how likely are you to have an allergic reaction? Keep reading to learn more.
Oct 14th, 2020

Medical Conditions That Cause Hives

When it comes to hives, there could be more to your rash than meets the eye. Keep reading to learn about this common skin reaction and what could be to blame for your symptoms.
Sep 9th, 2020

5 Benefits of Allergy Shots

Tired of suffering from allergy symptoms because nothing seems to help anymore? You don’t have to hide from your allergy triggers; immunotherapy could help. Keep reading about allergy shots and how they can provide long-lasting relief.
Aug 17th, 2020

Common Eczema Triggers

Do you struggle with itchy, red, cracked, or inflamed skin? You could have eczema. Fortunately, understanding what’s causing your flare-ups can help keep your symptoms under control. Keep reading to learn more.
Jul 14th, 2020

Can Air Conditioning Cause Sinus Congestion?

Have you been struggling with a clogged nose since turning up the AC? If you find yourself reaching for your tissues when you walk into a cold room, your air conditioning could be to blame. Keep reading to learn why.
Jun 25th, 2020

Know the Signs of an Allergic Reaction to Insects

Thousands of people need urgent medical care each year, and at least 90-100 die because of insect stings. But how do you know if you’re allergic to insects or if your reaction to a sting is cause for concern? Here’s what you need to know.
May 7th, 2020

How You Can Start Preparing for Spring Allergies Now

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? You’re not alone. Over 50 million Americans live with allergies, and it’s the 6th leading cause of chronic illness. Fortunately, taking the right steps now can keep your symptoms under control; learn how.
Feb 18th, 2020

Can You Develop Food Allergies as an Adult?

Once you reach adulthood, you might think you know your body. Then you start experiencing unusual symptoms after eating certain foods. Don’t panic. It could simply be a newly developed food allergy.
Jan 14th, 2020
To find out how allergy immunotherapy can benefit you, call the Advanced Allergy & Asthma office, or click “Book online” anyt

What Is Immunotherapy and Can It Cure My Allergies?

Are you tired of allergy symptoms that knock you off your feet? Does the mere thought of ragweed have you reaching for a tissue? Whether you have seasonal allergies or symptoms that last year-round, immunotherapy can provide relief once and for all.
Nov 25th, 2019

Who Let The Dogs In?

Many people do not realize that allergy and asthma triggers lurk inside their homes.
Oct 1st, 2019

Dr. Sullivan - The Spread of Ebola

Dr. Sullivan discusses increasing evidence indicating Ebola virus can be spread from an infected person to healthcare workers and others when a patient coughs.
Oct 1st, 2019

What Immunotherapy is Right For You?

Allergen immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, can help people who suffer from allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy), allergic conjunctivitis, and allergic asthma caused by allergens such as pollen, mold, animal dander, and house dust mites.
Oct 1st, 2019

Ignoring the Flu Can Be Deadly

On December 20, 2009, 32-year-old actress Brittany Murphy died of flu related complications in her Beverly Hills, California home.
Oct 1st, 2019