2 Compelling Reasons To Consider Rush Therapy

If you live with allergies, you know what a challenge they can be. Whether you deal with them daily or with changing seasons, they can cause uncomfortable and even debilitating symptoms that keep you from feeling your best.

Common signs of allergies include:

In severe cases, some allergies can also cause anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction you should consider a medical emergency.

Our Advanced Allergy & Asthma team offers testing and treatment options for allergies and related conditions at two locations in Ogden, Utah. 

One highly effective and beneficial option for some allergies involves immunotherapy

If you live with allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, or insect venom allergies, here are two compelling reasons to consider rush immunotherapy treatments.

1. Faster results

Standard immunotherapy and “rush” therapy accomplish the same goal: reducing a person’s sensitivity to a specific allergen. 

However, as the name implies, rush treatments work faster.

When you undergo immunotherapy, you receive small doses of the allergen by injection over time. During your treatment, we slowly increase the dose.

Once your body stops reacting to it, you enter a “maintenance phase.” 

At this point, you continue receiving an injection to maintain your results, but they occur less frequently — typically once or twice a month for up to five years.

You can reach the maintenance phase faster when you opt for rush immunotherapy. Instead of 3-6 months, it can often occur in 1-3 days. 

2. Improved quality of life

Some allergies cause life-threatening reactions. That can make everyday experiences profoundly stressful, especially going outside with an allergy to insect venom.

However, even when you don’t react severely to something, allergies can significantly decrease your quality of life. This is especially common for people who require numerous medications to find relief — or when those options aren’t enough to keep symptoms at bay. 

Rush immunotherapy can significantly decrease allergy symptoms and even prevent the development of new ones.

In young patients, rush therapy can also keep allergies from progressing into asthma.

Finally, immunotherapy can be up to 98% effective in preventing systemic and life-threatening reactions for people with insect venom allergies.

Results like those can significantly improve your quality of life.

Are you curious to see if rush therapy is right for you? Contact Advanced Allergy & Asthma today to schedule a personalized assessment with one of our experts in Ogden, Utah.


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