5 Tips to Stop Allergies From Keeping You Awake at Night

5 Tips to Stop Allergies From Keeping You Awake at Night

Anyone with allergies knows how miserable the symptoms can be, but they’re even worse when you can’t get a good night’s sleep.

Unfortunately, allergies aren’t a problem you can turn off at the end of the day, which leaves people with allergies twice as likely to struggle with insomnia and poor quality sleep as well. But there are ways to reclaim quality sleep, even if you have allergy symptoms all year long.

Our team at Advanced Allergy & Asthma in Ogden, Utah, brings the latest methods and treatments available to diagnose and treat allergies and their related conditions. They offered these five tips to stop your allergies from keeping you up at night.

1. Work with an allergy specialist

Allergies may be a common problem, but they impact everyone differently, so they require an accurate diagnosis and personalized care. For example, some people react to pollen, dust mites, or pet dander, while others have issues with certain foods, insect bites, or medications.

If you have seasonal or year-round allergies, it’s essential to work with a specialist, especially if your symptoms interfere with your sleep or quality of life. Our experienced team can help identify the allergens triggering your symptoms, so you know what’s to blame for your symptoms. Then we can create a personalized strategy to help you manage them.

2. Take your medication correctly

There are numerous medications available to help ease allergy symptoms. However, it’s essential to use the right medicines at the right time of day to ensure the best results.

There are two primary types of allergy medications: antihistamines and decongestants. Antihistamines can ease itching and sneezing, but they don’t help with the congestion known for causing sleepless nights — that’s what a decongestant can do. However, decongestants can also have a stimulant effect, which can disrupt your sleep.

Our team can provide recommendations on which medications to take and when so that you can keep your symptoms under control while getting more restful sleep.

3. Use care when you clean

Unfortunately, an accurate diagnosis and proper medication use is only a drop in the bucket when you have allergies, especially to respiratory triggers like dust mites and pet dander. When you react to these triggers, it’s crucial to clean your house regularly, but you also have to do it the right way.

To get the best sleep possible, wash your bedding each week. The water temperature needs to be hot — at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit — to kill dust mites and allergens. However, these pesky triggers can hide in other places, including curtains, carpets, and pillows.

If possible, remove fabric curtains, upholstered furniture, and carpet. An air purifier can also help clear your bedroom of the most common household allergens, like pet dander, pollen, dust mites, and mold. 

4. Make your bedroom an allergen-free zone

It’s easy to overlook how many allergens can find their way into your bedroom. Sometimes, the culprits are easy, like your pets carrying in hair and dander every time they enter. However, you can bring just as many allergens into your bedroom as your animals.

To create an allergen-free zone, our team recommends keeping your bedroom windows and doors closed. If you have pet allergies, give your furry friends a comfy bed in another room. It’s also helpful to take a shower of your nighttime routine, especially on days when the pollen count is high. 

And, whether you shower before bed or not, try taking your clothes off in a different room to avoid bringing allergens into the bedroom with you. 

5. Chill out

Stress relief is crucial for anyone trying to get a good night’s sleep, but it’s often overlooked when it comes to allergies.

Studies show that stress not only keeps you up at night, but it can trigger seasonal allergy flare-ups. People with multiple flare-ups report having higher stress levels than those without any allergy symptoms.

To find ways to de-stress, try relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga, and meditation. You can also literally increase the chill factor in your bedroom with a cool-mist humidifier. These machines help keep airways and nasal passages moisturized, and they prevent dryness and congestion.

Are allergies keeping you up at night? Schedule a consultation at Advanced Allergy & Asthma by calling or booking online today.

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