5 Ways to Treat Your Chronic Hives 

5 Ways to Treat Your Chronic Hives 

Hives are impossible to ignore. This skin reaction causes raised welts on the body with profound itching that can be so uncomfortable it interferes with daily life and sleep.

For most people, hives are an acute problem. That means they typically start to fade within 24 hours, even though new hives can form in their place. They often occur from a viral infection or allergic reaction and clear up completely within six weeks.

But for up to 5% of people, hives become chronic. In these cases, you experience visible flare-ups at least twice a week, lasting more than six weeks. For some people, they can even last months or years.

The challenge with chronic hives is that they rarely have a known cause. While they sometimes arise from an allergy, they can also develop from changes in body temperature, pressure on the skin, and certain health conditions or autoimmune diseases.

Fortunately, our team can help.

If you have severe hives or symptoms that last more than a few days, contact Advanced Allergy & Asthma in Ogden, Utah. 

Here are five ways to find relief for chronic hives.

1. Get expert advice

As mentioned above, chronic hives can have difficult to pinpoint causes. That’s why it’s essential to see an allergy specialist for guidance.

Our team has expertise in treating acute and chronic allergies, asthma, and related conditions, including chronic hives. 

Based on your symptoms, we could recommend a variety of screenings, such as allergy, blood, and urine testing, or a skin biopsy. Each of these assessments can either confirm or eliminate a potential hive trigger.

We also strongly encourage documenting flare-ups — including what you did before the outbreak — and taking photos of your reactions.

This comprehensive approach can help isolate the source of your skin issue and guide your personalized treatment strategy.

2. Follow your treatment plan

After reaching a diagnosis, we could recommend a variety of strategies to keep your symptoms under control.

Common cause treatments for chronic hives include:

Once we outline a treatment strategy, it’s important to follow it closely. If you don’t notice an improvement, let us know so we can adjust.

3.  Pamper your skin

In addition to your personalized treatment plan, taking extra care of your skin is crucial.

We can offer guidance on the best products and care strategies. However, it’s wise to avoid items that can irritate sensitive skin. Instead, select fragrance-free, hypoallergenic options. 

Then, apply lotions and creams liberally to keep your skin healthy and moisturized. 

4. Stay cool

Several factors can cause skin reactions, including temperature, sunlight, and pressure.

To avoid these common irritants, we recommend taking cool baths or showers, applying cold compresses, and wearing soft, loose clothing.

And don’t forget to protect your skin from the elements with a liberal sunscreen application. 

We can offer personalized pointers on the best products for providing sun protection and moisturizing power simultaneously.

5. Reduce stress and anxiety

Finally, when you have chronic hives, it’s essential to keep stress and anxiety in check. They may seem like a skin issue, but they take a toll on your mental health as well. And if they do, it can make your symptoms even worse.

Studies show that an estimated 1 in 3 people living with chronic hives also have an underlying psychiatric disorder. While it’s unclear which came first, the hives or the psychological symptoms, the solution is clear: make your mental health a priority.

Our team recommends a variety of strategies to ease the strain of chronic hives, such as:

And, remember, we’re here to help too.

Our team has the experience you need to manage your chronic hives symptoms so you can feel your best again.

Do you have hives that aren’t going away? Schedule a consultation with our expert allergists at Advanced Allergy & Asthma in Ogden, Utah, today.

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