Swear Off Acne For Good With AviClear

Swear Off Acne For Good With AviClear

Did you know that up to 50 million Americans struggle with acne? Despite that, there still wasn’t a one-size-fits-all solution that worked for everyone. But that all changed in March 2022 when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a brand-new, gaming-changing in-office acne treatment: AviClear™.

Unlike skincare products like toners, creams, and cleansers, the AviClear system from Cutera® uses the power of light to eliminate breakouts at the source — no prescription medications required.

Are you ready to swear off acne for good? Our team at Advanced Allergy & Asthma in Ogden, Utah, suggests AviClear treatments.

How AviClear works

AviClear uses wavelengths of laser energy to target and suppress sebaceous glands. Each of your hair follicles contains one of these microscopic organs. You also have other sebaceous glands associated with your sweat glands. However, they all perform the same job — making and releasing sebum, an oil that keeps your skin from drying.

Unfortunately, your sebaceous glands can also overproduce sebum and become clogged. When this occurs, you can experience several skin issues, but the most common by far is acne. Acne involves blockages in skin pores that produce pus-filled bumps like whiteheads and blackheads.

AviClear addresses acne at the source by delivering precise wavelengths of light energy to the sebaceous glands causing your breakouts. When exposed to this laser frequency, the glands produce less sebum. The result? Breakouts become shorter, less severe, and less frequent.

What to expect from AviClear treatment

There’s a lot to love about AviClear. Studies show that 91% of people responded to these treatments, and 80% saw their acne reduced by half. But that’s only the beginning.

AviClear is also a safe, prescription-free solution for everyone, regardless of age or skin tone — anyone with acne will respond to this treatment. It also comes without downtime.

For the best results, you undergo three 30-minute AviClear sessions. These treatments get scheduled once per month, three months in a row. And you can expect to see results immediately as your existing acne improves and future breakouts decrease. 9 in 10 people report being satisfied or very satisfied with their results after a single month of treatment. 

During your AviClear session, you may notice a mild snapping sensation. However, the laser’s innovative sensory control mechanism and skin cooling technology helps maintain your skin temperature throughout your session, making the process more comfortable.

After your treatment, you can resume regular activity. However, don’t forget to apply sunscreen and avoid products with occlusive agents like Aquaphor or Vaseline.

Are you ready to swear off acne for good? Contact Advanced Allergy & Asthma in Ogden, Utah, to learn more about AviClear today.

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