The Benefits of Rush Immunotherapy

If you struggle with allergies, nothing provides long-term symptom relief like immunotherapy. Unlike medications that only manage your symptoms, this approach exposes your immune system to your allergy triggers in a controlled way, which changes how your body responds to them. The result? Your symptoms disappear because your immune system stops reacting to the allergen.

Traditional immunotherapy shots introduce allergens to your system slowly over a period, but they may not take effect for up to six months. While they provide excellent results, this lengthy process can be time-consuming and inconvenient. That’s why our team at Advanced Allergy & Asthma in Ogden, Utah, also offers rush therapy

When you get rush therapy, we administer all of your allergy shots over a single day while monitoring you closely for adverse reactions. This expedited approach means you reach immunity from your allergen faster. But saying goodbye to your allergy symptoms quicker is just one of the many benefits of rush immunotherapy.

Less time commitment

Traditional immunotherapy typically requires office visits once or twice a week for approximately five months. During this time, we slowly increase the amount of allergen introduced to your system until you no longer have a reaction. At this point, you can switch to your maintenance dose.

Both traditional and rush immunotherapy require maintenance doses for 3 to 5 years to ensure your body becomes accustomed to the allergy trigger. However, when you undergo rush therapy, you can begin this phase immediately because you reach immunity within days instead of months.

Reduced investment

An obvious result of getting results faster with fewer visits includes the reduced cost. While you still need ongoing appointments for up to five years, rush therapy significantly changes the number of office visits required. And immunotherapy is so effective, you can often ditch your allergy medication entirely.

Therefore, rush therapy can be a more cost-effective option for allergy treatment in the long run between the reduced office visits and medication.

A safer solution for some allergies

The thought of intentionally exposing yourself to an allergen can seem scary. However, rush therapy has been around since the mid-1990s and provides safe and effective solutions for numerous allergies, especially insects. Plus, it gives faster protection against severe future reactions.

Other allergies that respond to rush  immunotherapy include:

We don’t recommend rush or traditional immunotherapy for food allergies.

Preventing new allergies and asthma

Do you have allergies and asthma? How about allergies and problems with eczema? Allergies develop because your immune system produces antibodies to attack a harmless substance. However, this reaction increases your chances of other allergic diseases, like asthma, hives, and eczema.

Since immunotherapy works by changing your immune system, it’s the only treatment available to prevent new allergies and other allergic diseases from developing. And the best news? It’s safe enough for children who are five years old, which means you can address allergy issues before they progress.

Want to see the benefits of rush immunotherapy for yourself? Contact our office to schedule an appointment by calling today.

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